The criteria for awarding belts in karate vary from club to club, but in most karate clubs the belt is held twice a year. Passing for belts in karate is a "solemn act" for each karate player individually, at the karate exam he presents how much he has progressed during the training process, the commission and parents are present at the exam, as well as the rest of the audience.

The belt test is held twice a year, but this does not have to be the rule, it can be taken once a year, whether a certain trainee will take the exam once or twice a year is determined by the trainer who assesses whether the trainee is ready to take the exam.

White belt - the white belt is not taken by enrolling in a club and buying a kimono, the exerciser "wears" a white belt.

Yellow, Orange, Green Belt - these belts are laid on average twice a year, ie. In one year, the trainee can put on a yellow and orange belt.

Blue, brown, black belt - are taken once a year, but all this is individual and depends on the clubs and the progress of the trainees and the readiness to acquire a higher title. Titles in karate can be acquired with a gift, so the coach can promote a certain competitor or more of them to a higher title to achieve results in prestigious competitions. Trainees who apply for master's degrees must be aware of the weight and responsibility that the belt carries with it. Master titles in karate are "graded" so there is a Black Belt 1 Day to Black Belt 9 Day or Black Belt 10 Day depending on the federation and style of karate. Once passed the title in karate is valid for life.

Karate titles are acquired by advocating and practicing in training, and the award for that work is taken at the exam, so current and future practitioners take the training process seriously because your results depend mostly on yourself and your efforts in training.