
Karate fighting (Kumite) is one of the three parts of karate while the other two parts are Kihon and kate. In sports karate, the fight can be described as a competition between two competitors - "opponents" to collect more points and thus win the match. In sports karate, the fights are regulated by the WKF (World Karate Federation) and the rules for 2022 are valid from January 17, 2022, below I will write certain rules that apply to fights this year.

The rulebook covers all areas from arenas, judges' competitors, etc. As I wrote above I will only look at some basics such as the duration of the fight and the points:


1. The duration of the Kumite fight for Seniors is three minutes (team and individual matches).

The duration of the Kumite fight for younger Seniors (under 21) is three minutes (team and

individual matches). The duration of the Kumite fight for the Cadets and Juniors is two minutes for both sexes.

2. The measurement of the duration of the fight begins when the Referee gives the signal to start the fight and stops every time the Chief Judge shouts "YAME".

3. The timer will mark "15 seconds to end" with an audible bell or sound signal. and "expired time. Beep" elapsed time indicates the end of the fight.

4. Competitors have the right to rest and change equipment between two fights for the duration of one fight. The exception is in the case of changing the color of the equipment, where this time the time increases for five minutes.

Article 6: SCORING

1. The points are as follows:

 a) IPPON - three points

 b) WAZA-ARI - two points

 c) YUKO - one point

2. A point is awarded when the technique is performed in the scoring zone and satisfies the following criteria:

 a) good form

 b) sports behavior (attitude)

 c) strong application

 d) awareness (zanshin)

 e) timeliness

 f) correct distance

3. IPPON - (three points) is awarded for:

 a) kick to the head

 b) any scoring technique performed on an opponent who has been thrown or fallen

4. WAZA-ARI - (two points) is awarded for:

 a) kick to the body

5. YUKO - (one point) is awarded for:

 a) a blow to the body or head (TSUKI)

 b) UCHI techniques in the body or head

6. Attacks are limited to the following scoring zones:

 a) head

 b) person

 c) neck

 e) stomach

 e) chest

 f) back

 g) sides of the hull (loins)

7. An effective technique performed at the same time as the end signal is given is considered valid.

The technique, even if successful, but performed after stopping or stopping the fight will not be

scored and may result in the punishment of the offender.

8. Neither technique, although technically correct, will be scored if it is performed while both are

competitors of the arena. however, if one of the competitors is out of the arena and the other assigns

effective technique while still in the arena and before the referee sign "YAME", the technique will be scored.


For the technique to be scored, it must be performed on the scoring zones of the body that are being defined above in paragraph 6. The technique must be adequately controlled according to the zone attacked and must also meet all 6 criteria set out in paragraph 2 above.

This is just a snippet of rules governing karate fights (WKF federation)

Note: The World Karate Federation refines its rules in kata and fights every year.